Watertown’s Leading Suspension Repair Experts

Like any good employee, teammate or friend, sometimes we only notice how important our suspension system is to our overall driving experience when a problem occurs. If a smooth, uninterrupted drive has been replaced by a springy and jolted experience then you know something is up with your suspension system and you need to get it seen immediately. Three Sons Collision is the leading suspension repair garage in all of Watertown and we can repair any system back to its best. So whether it is because of collision damage or simply due to wear and tear, suspension systems can wear down over time. When this happens you need to get your vehicle to the professional team you can rely on right away.

Signs of Suspension Problems

At Three Sons Collision we answer hundreds of questions every day relating to all parts of the auto repair industry from our Watertown customers. Questions like, how do I know if my brakes are working properly?, how should I protect my car from dent damage?, and tips on how to improve a vehicle’s transmission operation. In recent years we have received more and more questions about suspension systems.

Many Watertown motorists want to know what signs show that their vehicle’s suspension system is working correctly. The answer to this is very simple: not a whole lot. What we mean by this is that if your suspension system is operating at its optimal level then you will never notice its existence. It is only when something has gone wrong that the signs will become more obvious.

A Multifaceted Approach

At Three Sons Collision we strive to be the best suspension repair garage in all of Watertown. To achieve this goal means offering the most advanced and inclusive service possible. It also means assessing the problem from all available angles. This includes checking to see if the problem is a result of an issue relating to the coil spring, welding or leaf springs.

Our all-inclusive approach to suspension repair means that a thorough inspection of shocks, struts and springs takes place before making any final call on what is causing the issue. As well as that, we will also look at the brake calipers, rotors and pads since their effectiveness can also impact how your vehicle’s suspension performs.

With our team of skilled and diligent mechanics you can rest assured knowing that no stone will be left unturned in the pursuit of creating the perfect driving experience for you and your vehicle.

Weekend Opening Hours

If there is one thing we have learned from our time in Watertown it is that not every driver with a suspension related issue is free from 9-5 Monday to Friday for repair work. That is why we offer an extended weekend service open on Saturdays and Sundays. This additional service allows those who are too busy during the week to visit our garage on the weekend and have their problem fixed this more convenient time.