Newton’s Number One Transmission Repair Option

Whether you drive a vehicle that has automatic or manual transmission one thing is for certain: if it is not working properly then you will soon know about it. From slipping gears to difficulties transitioning to higher speeds, there are a number of telltale signs that your transmission needs to be repaired. There is nothing worse than a long drive that is interrupted with a car that isn’t operating to its full capacity because of a flawed transmission system. This is easily avoided by regular maintenance and repairs. You use your car everyday so don’t take shortcuts when it comes to repairing and maintaining it. Call the team you can trust at Three Sons Collision and allow our skilled technicians take care of the rest.

Difference Between Automatic and Manual Transmissions

This is one of the most commonly asked questions we get from Newton drivers who are in the market for a new car or van. While the main differences between both transmission system are quite obvious, there are a number of more subtle differences that are a little less straightforward. Three of the most important things to look at when deciding on what type of transmission to choose are maintenance, cost and driving optimization.

Maintenance: Any mechanic would agree that before purchasing a vehicle it is far easier for us and cheaper for you to repair a manual transmission compared to an automatic one. What’s more, manual transmissions tend to be far more long-lasting in comparison to their automatic counterparts. In general, a properly maintained and regularly repaired transmission should last for hundreds of thousands of miles before any serious work is needed. While improvements have been made in recent years with regards to the durability and longevity of automatic cars, they still lag behind manuals. The main reason for this is that the lubricant in automatic cars needs to be replaced far more frequently than in a manual vehicle.

Cost: Similar to maintenance costs the initial price of buying an automatic vehicle is far higher than a manual one. While it depends very much on the type of car you are driving, on average, an automatic version of a new vehicle will cost you approximately 1,000 to 1,200 dollars more than a manual version of an identical model. This is money that could go towards upgrading the vehicle’s tires or bodywork, or maybe even towards a holiday for you and your family.

Driving: When it comes to choosing between a manual and automatic transmission for driving purposes it is very much comes down to personal preference. Some drivers feel more comfortable using the clutch and gear stick and prefer the purer driving experience provided by a manual. However, if you live in downtown Newton or one of our many busy suburbs then perhaps an automatic option would be better suited to the hours spent in traffic each week.