Number One Suspension Repair in Newton

Much like the bumper or windshield, your car’s suspension system is one of those things that is often taken for granted. After all, you only truly appreciate the suspension system when something goes wrong. However, your suspension system is the piece of equipment that is primarily responsible for balancing and maintaining tons of metal year after year. After a while, it is inevitable that something will give way. However, that doesn’t have to mean the end for your suspension system.

At Three Sons Collision we have been repairing suspension systems for motorists in Newton for years. During this time we have learned a thing or two about correcting the problem and getting your vehicle back to its best in no time at all. Don’t take chances with inferior garages. Call the number one repair team you can trust today.

Don’t Ignore the Problem

One of the biggest misconceptions in the auto repair world is that the sole function of your suspension system is to guarantee a smooth ride. While this is one of the many features that a strong and fully operational suspension system provides, it is far from the only one. Because of this misconception many motorists feel that repairing their suspension system isn’t as important as fixing a faulty exhaust pipe or changing their oil. The truth is that it is equally, if not more, important. The suspension system in your Newton car, truck or bike provides your vehicle with the control required when stopping or turning your vehicle.

Four Signs that Your Suspensions Needs to be Repaired

There are many indicators to explain when your car’s suspension system may need changing. Four of the most common indicators include:

  1. Car is not as smooth as it once was: If you feel every bump on the road then it is a sign that your suspension may need repairs. Similarly, if the car bounces when it hits a slight bump then you know something isn’t right. It is important to deal with the problem as soon as possible.
  2. Your vehicle pulls during turns: If you feel that you have less control of your vehicle than you once had when turning, then it is a sign that something is wrong. In cases like this it basically means that the shocks are no longer keeping the vehicle’s body stable. In situations like this you need to ensure that you have the problem fixed as soon as possible.
  3. Car dips when approaching a stop: When the shocks in your vehicle wear out it will generally cause it to lurch forward and downward before stopping. This is not only an inconvenience, but can also result in your vehicle being unable to stop as efficiently as it should.
  4. Uneven tire treads: It is true that uneven tire treads could be a result of a range of issues. However, one of the main ones is a faulty suspension. By distributing the weight of your vehicle equally across the four tires, it can place too much pressure on one or two tires, causing them to run bare.